Heat sealable plastic and metal foils

The special composites developed by Sika Werke GmbH also comprise different heat sealable plastics and metal foils for technical applications.
By variations of the sealing layer, very diverse substrates, such as non-woven PP and PET fabrics, aluminium, copper, chipboard and wood can be sealed.
The adhesive used achieves a high heat resistance through post-crosslinking and thus enables the films to be used in motor and transformer construction.
Heat sealable Coating VP 100-PE
The VP100-PE coating is suitable for sealing against nonwovens and fabrics. The temperature resistance depends on the processing conditions and can reach up to 140 °C.
Heat sealable Coating VP 100-PE-S
The VP100-PE-S coating is suitable for sealing against aluminium, copper and wood. The sealing temperature should be at least 120 °C. Depending on the processing parameters, a peel strength of > 1 N / mm can be achieved.
Heat sealable Coating VP 100
The VP100 coating is suitable for sealing metals and plastics. Prior to processing, a protective film must be removed to prevent blocking of the sealing layer.